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About Me

& the Knowledge I Share

Since the year 2000, I have been guiding people on a journey of self-connection, empowerment, & independence.


The knowledge I share includes insights and practical tools for healing and life transformation. Alongside personal consultations and leading study groups, I continually learn new knowledge, which I am always excited to pass on to my students—many of whom become teachers and advisors themselves.


Born for Freedom

Born in 1969 and raised on a kibbutz in northern Israel, I always felt that my essence was boundless freedom. From an early age, I knew I was a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience.

I saw the world differently—from the side, from above, and beyond…
I had memories of past lives and recognized people and places I had known before. Growing up in a communal children’s home, I developed a strong independent personality, unaffected by others' opinions.

I had a passion for learning but resisted the structure of formal education. My imagination carried me away, dreaming of a life spent in a vast library. From the moment I could read, I was drawn to books on mysticism and astrology, and with intuition and acquired knowledge, I became a trusted advisor to my friends.

As the eldest daughter of English hippie parents, I was given unconditional support in all my unconventional choices, including dedicating much of my youth to dance schools. I grew up feeling like a solo performer dancing on the stage of life.

​​From Innate Gift to Professional Mastery

I always knew my purpose was to guide and advise people, so at 23, I chose to study Social Work at Tel Aviv University.
During my practical training, I was asked to describe my first client before meeting her. I drew her image and wrote details about her personality, based on what I saw in my mind’s eye. When she arrived, I was stunned—the match was uncanny.

That moment was a turning point, making me realize that my diagnostic tools were my inner senses.

Alongside my university studies, I began professionally exploring esoteric wisdom:
I studied Kabbalah, Reiki, Healing, Aura Reading, Guided Imagery, Past-Life Regression, and Tarot Card Reading.
I bought every mysticism book available in the ‘90s.

One book that changed my life was "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human."
Its revolutionary message—that humanity is on the verge of an evolutionary shift, leading to consciousness expansion and DNA transformation—was my first signpost toward my life’s mission.

From Training to Mastery

After graduating in 1997, my partner and I traveled for a year and a half in the Far East.
We carried Tarot cards and mysticism books, sitting daily with Israelis for sessions of channeling and learning.

A clinical psychologist observing one of these sessions told me,
"It took me years to see what you see in a single Tarot reading."
That statement solidified my decision to return to Israel and begin teaching professionally.

When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

Back in Israel, in 1999 we settled in Eilat, where I worked as a resident mystic at luxury hotels.
At that time, I met Zeev Aviraz, a renowned channeler. From the first lesson, I knew I had found a teacher who spoke my soul’s language.

After years of studying ancient heart-centered spiritual teachings, I discovered a path that challenged my intellect with cutting-edge knowledge. Learning from him has been both stimulating and transformative.

Specializing in the Super Consciousness Course

In 2005, Zeev began channeling knowledge in a course called Super Consciousness Studies.
This knowledge originates from a cosmic database, offering insights to support humanity through its current evolutionary shift.

Over seven years, this information was transmitted, followed by additional knowledge from other cosmic sources, all of which I now teach.


A Conscious Approach to Parenting

When I became a mother to three daughters, I knew I would give them the freedom to choose their own paths.
I gave birth at home and raised them in homeschooling environments, later allowing them to transition to democratic education.

Each child is unique, and I developed the ability to listen and recognize what is right for them without imposing my ideals.
Through this dialogue with them, I continue to grow and evolve.

"Walk the Talk" - Living the Knowledge I Teach

The knowledge I share translates the intuitive way I have always lived into a clear, structured understanding.

The New Age is defined by independent thinking, breaking old patterns, and innovation in every aspect of life.

My mission is to instill these principles into human awareness and guide individuals on their path of personal growth and transformation.

if you correct your mind the rest of your life will fall into place

We are a spiritual being having a human experience

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